Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I am feeling uptight and scared and rather nervous right now... I suffer from bureauphobia (it probably exists, but I'm not checking,) and I have to walk into offices to sort crap out. You have no idea! If I get a 9-5 job in an office, I will promptly hang myself.

I am rather pissed of. Royally pissed off. Many things I tell you - many things...

Where is my man? My knight in shining armour? Why am prostituting myself to the establishments which I hate? When will all this cease? - Death?

We are such stuff as dreams are made on. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer...

Oh aye Shakespeare, you said it all - but sadly, I wasn't around to bed you. I bet you looked great in those tights...


Blogger The Pedant-General said...

I was overjoyed when I got a 9-5 job.

My previous job was more 9-8 or 9-11. And with the commute meant out of the house 8-9 or 8-12. 6 or 7 days per week. Never got to see the kids during the week and was completely knackered at the weekend.

Oh and that was when it was good. When it was bad, it was 5.30 Mon to 10pm Fri, staying in a hotel.

Believe you me, when you get the chance to find out about real life, you will BEG for a nice warm 9-5 job.

Sorry to burst your bubble....

9:20 AM  
Blogger Lord Pasternack said...

I am going to be a rock star or self-made woman. I refuse to be a peasant. I refuse to spend my life living to earn money, in an office job. I refuse point blank to work 9-5.

I will come up with something - like that million dollar homepage thing.

If it comes to it, I'll be a female escort...

9:55 AM  
Blogger Lord Pasternack said...

I, am going to, live, for a living - rather than rent my soul to a corporation.

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

on renting souls out for money what if mega corp offered a big stack of CASH? I know you seem to have principles and ideals but would a suitcase full of Luverly CASH not sway you to rent the soul out for a rather simple life. As big huge amounts a dosh would mean you could pretty much do whatever you wanted to.

9:52 AM  

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